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Europe must end its silence on Syria

Just a few days ago, the UN Special Envoy for Syria was in Berlin and gave a gloomy forecast. Staffan de Mistura feared that if the massive bombardment continues, there will be no East Aleppo left by Christmas. Reports emerged that Assad’s forces were gaining ground in Aleppo. The catastrophe de Mistura had foreseen is approaching ever closer. But what are we doing about it – in Europe, in Germany? We welcome the UN’s crisis diplomacy and respect the tireless efforts of certain individuals. We are well versed in expressing our concern and making appeals. But apart from that there is too much restraint and fatalism. There has been far too much silence. Assad, with the help of his Russian allies, has razed cities to the ground, dropped barrel bombs, driven people from their homes, and – most appallingly – has even destroyed hospitals and schools.

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